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Main » 2012 » July » 27

26.07.2012 Nina Hagen & Band were in St. Michael Studienkirche, Passau, Germany. Thx Cap & Jana.
More photos are in our Gallery. Listen to the interview &
Summertime & Amazing Grace & Ave Maria.

26.07.2012 Nina Hagen & Band были в Уч. Церкви Св. Михаила, Пассау, Германия. Спс Кэп и Яне.
Больше фото в нашей Галерее. Слушать интервью
& Summertime & Amazing Grace & Ave Maria.

Views: 1895 | Added by: RW | Date: 27.07.2012 | Comments (2)

25.07.2012 Nina Hagen was interviewed by Newsland.Ru. Thanks Capella. Read more (Russian)

Nina Hagen about Pussy Riot: I appeal to Christian heart of Russia

"The queen of punk", legendary German singer Nina Hagen in interview of Deutche Welle spoke about her attitude to the lawsuit of participants of  Russian punk band Pussy Riot and what would she tell  them  while meeting in person.
57-year-old Nina Hagen is a German singer
and actress who grew up in East Berlin called "the queen of punk rock". In the 1970-s she was deprived of the GDR citizenship and emigrated to Great Britain, where she found herself in a popular youth musical direction - punk rock. 
Then she moved to Germany and got her
top success  in 80-s. In DW interview Nina Hagen shared her opinion concerning the lawsuit of Pussy Riot, spoke about her past, and also about why she believes in justification of Russian punk band participants.
DW: On Monday, July 30, in Moscow there will be a lawsuit of Pussy Riot punk band
participants. What do you think of this matter?
Nina Hagen: I want to ask the Russian government and my Orthodox brothers and sisters to show mercy. These are absolutely young, hot-tempered persons (participants of Pussy Riot - DW) who've gone  too far. Probably, many people apprehended their activity in church as provocation. 
But I appeal to Christian heart of Russia and I ask to show mercy to these young people. They won't do such nonsense 
any more for sure . They surely have understood a lot of things. I hope that Russia will show its big heart again.

25.07.2012 Нина Хаген дала интервью Newsland.Ru. Спасибо Капелле. Читать ещё (рус. яз.)

Views: 1024 | Added by: RW | Date: 27.07.2012 | Comments (0)

In July, 2012 Nina Hagen was interviewed by Straßenfeger (Street Broom), Berlin, Germany.
The magazine is distributed by homeless on the streets. Please, support them.
Thanks to Capella & Moritz.
Read (German)  
"That's why the lady is a punk"

Nina Hagen about sound, concerts, family, religion and social engagement

She is called the German Godmother of punk: Catharina "Nina" Hagen, born on the 11th of March, 1955 in Berlin-Friedrich's grove. She was known in the GDR as a singer of the group "Automobil" and „Fritzens Dampferband". Their song „You have forgotten the colour film" („Du hast den Farbfilm vergessen") has meanwhile cult status.

In 1976, after the deprivation of citizenship of her stepfather Wolf Biermann, Nina Hagen left for England from the GDR. Punk was announced. Then she moved to West-Berlin, where it properly overshot. As a punk rock singer she sprinkled regularly all taboos and morality images.

Her best records are called as follows: an album "Nina Hagen Band" of 1977, the disc "Unbehagen" which was recorded in 1979 in the Hanse recording studios in Berlin, and the gospel CD „Personal Jesus" (2010). In the end of 2011 Nina has published her new disc "Volksbeat". Her life stations are as coloured and fluorescent as she herself: besides, she lived in England, in Los Angeles, in Paris, on Ibiza and in India. Religiousness belongs to her life. Just as social engagement. Andreas Düllick spoke for the Street Brush with the unfathomable Nina Hagen.

В июле 2012 Нина Хаген дала интервью Уличной Метле, Берлин, Германия.
Журнал распространяется бездомными на улицах. Пожалуйста, поддержите их.
Спасибо Капелле и Морицу.
Читать (нем. яз.)

Views: 929 | Added by: RW | Date: 27.07.2012 | Comments (0)

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